Tuesday, April 2, 2013

work it out

i love my body.
and i love food also.

but, lately i love doing workout

last 3 week.
dengan kekerapan 3 kali seminggu doing exercises and aerobic.
aku dah lose weight around 1-2kg per week konsisten.
happy jangan cakap la.

but just last week.
just last week.
kerana rasa malas yang menggebu dan kesibukan yang menghalang.
dan nasi kerabu yang menggoda.
then, weight gain balik around 1-2 kg.urgh!
it's not easy ok.

this week.
rasa malas nak kerja.
haish.malas memang tak kan jadi apa.
i need some motivation.

another 54 days.
revenge back.

Exercise gives your face a healthy glow by increasing blood flow. When you sweat, it clears the body of toxins and removes dead skins cells.

1 comment:

hoood said...

wuuuu. seronoknya ber-work out. Kak echa fighting ! ^^